Ring Brook/Audubon Society of NH

  • 77.84 acres
  • 12/00
  • L
Ring Brook/Audubon Society of NH

Chalk Pond Road, Newbury

A generous donor granted a conservation easement to Ausbon Sargent on seven undeveloped tracts of land off Chalk Pond Road in Newbury. The Society for the Protection of NH Forests (The Forest Society) holds an executory interest in the easement.

The property consists of 77.84 acres of undeveloped land and is located on the north and south sides of Chalk Pond Road and east and west sides of Cheney Road in Newbury. The property is almost entirely forest except a few small wetland areas along the brook. Ring Brook runs through the property and eventually flows into Lake Todd.

The property is almost entirely forest except a few small wetland areas along the brook. This undeveloped open space is important to the water quality of Ring Brook and Lake Todd, as water run-off from storms gets filtered by the forest. The property also provides significant wildlife habitat. It is part of a much larger protected land area covering more than 1,000 acres including the John Hay National Wildlife Refuge, The Forest Society's Hay Reservation and the Audubon Society's abutting 362-acre Stoney Brook Wildlife Sanctuary.

In 2004 the easement donor gifted the ownership of the land to the Audubon Society of NH and it has become part of the Stoney Brook Wildlife Sanctuary.

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