(Back L-R ) Andy Deegan, Kristy Heath, Sue Andrews
(Front L-R) Anne Payeur, Jamie Wilson, Jen Deasy
Interim Executive Director (policy, finances, gifts & planned giving)
Andy Deegan: adeegan@ausbonsargent.org
Land Protection Specialist (conservation projects)
Andy Deegan: adeegan@ausbonsargent.org
Stewardship Manager (land stewarding, easement/land issues)
Anne Payeur: apayeur@ausbonsargent.org
Stewardship and Program Coordinator (land stewarding, programming, outreach)
Jamie Wilson: stewardship@ausbonsargent.org
Operations Manager (membership and general information)
Jen Deasy: jdeasy@ausbonsargent.org
Development & Communications Coordinator (grants, special events, publicity, social media, website, and general information)
Kristy Heath: kheath@ausbonsargent.org
Office Assistant
Sue Andrews: sandrews@ausbonsargent.org