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Ausbon Sargent Land Preservation Trust has purchased 71.66 acres of land in the town of Bradford, NH. The Bradford Bog Headwaters property helps to protect the Bradford Bog headwaters, the Abenaki ancient healing springs site, and the Atlantic White Cedar bog and wildflower sanctuary. It is “highest ranked” wildlife habitat and is an important regenerating forest, a haven for many threatened species of birds. The USDA calls this property one of the most ecologically significant forest blocks in New England.
This project was first made possible by assistance from Mike Andrews, who purchased the property and held title to it until the Land Trust could raise the funds to purchase it. Donations were provided by Ausbon Sargent members and private donations from the citizens of the Town of Bradford, the Rural Heritage Connection of Bradford, NH, and the Bradford Conservation Commission. Additional support was provided by Burton Morgan Foundation, the Quabbin to Cardigan(Q2C) Partnership, the Fields Pond Foundation, the NH Moose Plate Grant, and another anonymous foundation. In December 2022, the New Hampshire Land and Community Heritage Investment Program (LCHIP) provided a leadership-level grant for this project in the amount of $80,000.
The property is open to the public for low-impact recreation.
To preserve the rural landscape of the
Mt. Kearsarge/Ragged/Lake Sunapee region.
169 properties / 14,156 acres
in our 12 town service area
Serving the towns of Andover, Bradford, Danbury, Goshen, Grantham, New London, Newbury, Springfield, Sunapee, Sutton, Warner & Wilmot
The Ausbon Sargent Land Preservation Trust is a 501 (c)(3) organization. TIN: 22-2884768
PO Box 2040, 71 Pleasant St., New London, NH 03257 | 603-526-6555 |