It was Cathy Aranosian’s objective to conserve the field on her property as well as the forest and wetland. The property has been used for horses in the past and will continue to be used in that way. It also provides critical habitat for a specials of special conservation concern. There is significant road frontage associated with the property with over 945 feet of scenic hayfield frontage on Schoodac Brook Road, over 1,200 feet of frontage on Poverty Plains Road and over 1,369 feet of frontage on Interstate 89. The property’s back line runs along 1,855 feet of frontage along Schoodac Brook and includes significant wetlands associated with the brook allowing it to be listed as Highest Ranked Habitat in New Hampshire. It is also identified in the Nature Conservancy’s and the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services’ "Schoodac Brook Conservation Plan." The Aranosian property, which was protected with the help of the Town of Warner’s Conservation Commission, is near over 450 acres of conserved land, including several of Ausbon Sargent’s Courser Easements.
The Town of Warner holds the Executory Interest on this property.